Empowering Efficiency: Expert Staffing for Accounting and Billing Support

Efficiency and expertise are the cornerstones of a successful accounting and billing operation. A recent challenge faced by our client highlighted this – grappling with issues in their accounting and billing systems, which were drastically impacting Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts Receivable (AR) Days Sales (DS). Additionally, finding qualified candidates to transform their accounting and billing department proved to be a challenge. RSS swiftly stepped in, identifying experienced resources with a minimum of 10 years of US GAAP accounting experience and advanced knowledge of key accounting systems. The result was a revamped accounting team that significantly improved bill run time by 7 days and vendor audit time by 13 days within a mere 60 days of team formation.

The Challenge

Our client was confronted with a twofold challenge – the inefficiencies in their accounting and billing systems were adversely affecting their AP/AR DS, and they faced a scarcity of qualified candidates to revamp and enhance their accounting and billing department. The need for immediate transformation and efficient operations was critical.

The RSS Approach

At RSS, we excel in delivering tailored solutions to complex challenges. To tackle this issue, we began by deeply understanding the intricacies of the client’s existing systems and processes. Recognizing the need for experienced resources, we swiftly identified professionals with a solid background in US GAAP accounting, coupled with an advanced understanding of popular accounting systems such as Quickbooks, Sage, SAP, Deltek, Oracle NetSuite and Great Plains.

Our approach involved assembling a highly skilled team that combined the expertise of these experienced professionals to form a proficient accounting team. The objective was to improve the overall efficiency of the accounting and billing processes.

The Solution

The solution was a strategic amalgamation of expertise, experience, and focused dedication, all aimed at propelling the client’s accounting and billing department toward success.

  1. Experienced Resource Identification: We quickly identified and recruited experienced resources with a minimum of 10 years of US GAAP accounting experience and advanced knowledge of key accounting systems. This ensured a solid foundation for the new accounting team, enabling them to navigate complex billing and accounting processes effectively.
  2. Efficiency Improvement: The new accounting team, armed with their collective experience and expertise, swiftly addressed the existing inefficiencies. Within a mere 60 days, they significantly improved the bill run time by 7 days and the vendor audit time by 13 days. This efficiency enhancement played a pivotal role in streamlining the accounting and billing processes.

The Results

The success of our solution was palpable in the improved efficiency and streamlined processes that our client experienced.

The client witnessed a remarkable transformation in their accounting and billing operations. The efficiency improvements achieved by the new accounting team not only alleviated the burden on AP/AR DS but also significantly enhanced the overall productivity of the department.

In conclusion, RSS effectively addressed the challenge of enhancing accounting and billing support by assembling a team of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of accounting systems. Our commitment to efficiency and expertise played a crucial role in the success of this endeavor. We take pride in being a valuable part of our client’s journey toward optimized accounting and billing operations and look forward to similar opportunities to demonstrate our dedication to excellence.

Explore our case studies to delve deeper into our successful projects and understand how RSS can contribute to your business’s success. Each case study is a testament to our dedication and expertise in delivering solutions that drive tangible and positive results.

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